Thursday 5 December 2013

Quotes and Sayings

  1. Stubbornness grows poisonous causing loneliness.
  2. Lies take the escalator, but the truth takes the stairs.
  3. It only takes the will of one, to spur the will of many.
  4. Three things cannot be long hidden: the love, the lie, and the truth.
  5. Every ending has its new beginnings, and every new beginnings has its new adventures.
  6. Never lose your individuality.  When you do, you just become another face in the crowd.
  7. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
  8. The ones who are quick to judge others, are most likely the ones who are insecure within themselves.
  9. You are one step ahead of better never forget it. The day you forget that people will trample you under foot.
  10. Believing in wonderful things to happen in your life is important. Equally important is, to be happy with actual happenings.
  11. You can always make it to the top with a short cut, but starting from the bottom and working yourself up will make you more experienced, powerful and successful.

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