Sunday 26 February 2012

Arguments and Friends

  1. Don't let a small argument ruin a great friendship.
  2. Arguments are no more than two points of view that don't coincide.
  3. Arguments only confirm people in their own opinions.
  4. Always use arguments to clear the air not to create misunderstanding.
  5. It's inevitable that disagreements will occasionally occur between people who are close.
  6. What's more, occasional arguments can be a healthy indication of two confident personalities who feel comfortable enough to express their true feelings.
  7. Next time you argue with a friend, accept that you have different points of view and get over it!
  8. Your friendship is far more important than anything you may quarrel over.
  9. Don't sacrifice the relationship you've built together for the sake of winning a point.
  10. If apologies are needed, make them. If forgiveness is required, offer it.
  11. By moving past the argument, you both come out winners and stay friends!

1 comment:

  1. These really speak to me. I have two friends who are fighting right now, and I'm caught in the middle. I really don't know what to do. I just hope that somehow they can follow these little tips and make up. I don't like being the friend in the middle of their fighting who's forced to choose sides.
